

J M Dalgliesh

J M Dalgliesh

If you’re looking for something new to read…

Having published the fifth book in my Hidden Norfolk series at the beginning of the month, survived the flurry of associated admin that went with it, I took a few days off – well, as much as I ever take a few days off… – and picked up a book written by someone else for a change.

I enjoyed it so much I feel happy to recommend it to you. Written by a fellow UK author, Andrew Turpin, and styled in the vein of a Frederick Forsythe or Tom Clancy novel, The Last Nazi is a thrilling journey charting a political conspiracy tied to finances stolen in WWII. The story focuses on an ex-CIA operative, Joe Johnson & his MI6 counterpart, Jayne Robinson, as they uncover the financial roots of a presidential campaign.

If you’ve finished all of my books, then this is well worth a read. There is also a link inside the book for a free novella featuring the same character, something I’m about to get into now.

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